Course ReflectionProject One I found this personal narratives cathartic to write. This is a topic I've thought a lot about since leaving Greek life....
Assembling A Multigenre ProjectIncluding multiple genres in a display of information is a way to optimize the communication of your content. Coming up with three genres...
Viral MarketingViral marketing is probably to most popular marketing strategy used today thanks to the epidemic of social media. I noticed while reading...
Revising and Remixing Your WorkThere's an important distinction between revising and remixing. Revising entails editing aspects of your writing like grammar or sentence...
Integrating & Documenting SourcesThis section in the Bedford book of Genres was very similar to the Mcgraw Hill Handbook's section on plagiarism. Instead of the focus on...
MHH 14In the age we live in, we have never had access to more information than we do this generation. The Mcgraw-Hill handbook provided a lot...
Exploring Topics & Creating A Research ProposalIn the beginning of the chapter the book states "Do some preliminary reading online, but be disciplined about it." In my opinion, this is...
Consider the LobsterAs a vegetarian and an activist, I appreciated David Foster Wallace's perspective on the Maine Lobster Festival. The ethical issue of...
PlagiarismPlagiarism is a really scary word in college. Everyone is trying to get as much work done as possible as quickly as possible, and before...
Shitty First DraftsWriting is a process that involves a lot of failure. I like to write blog posts, articles, and sometimes poetry. Usually when I commit to...